Wild Grains Solar



Wild Grains Solar Project, LLC is proposing the Wild Grains Solar Project, a 150 megawatt (MW) solar facility on privately-owned land in Hoaglin Township in Van Wert County, Ohio. The Project will produce solar-powered electricity that will maximize energy production from available solar resources in order to deliver clean, renewable electricity to Ohio customers.

Economic Benefits.

The Project will provide significant economic stimulus to the area during construction by providing jobs and local contracts for goods and services, and significant long-term revenue to landowners and the community. It is estimated that the Project will contribute over a million dollars per year to local taxing jurisdictions over the life of the facility. The Project will support as many as 400 jobs during project construction.



Acquisition of land and land rights began in 2019 and was completed in 2021. During this time, outreach was conducted to landowners and community leaders throughout the Project vicinity. Approximately 2,350 acres of private land has been leased for the Project, but only approximately 1,250 acres of this land will be used for installation of Facility components.

A public information meeting was held on August 18, 2021 to facilitate public interaction with the Applicant and expert consultants. The poster boards presented at this meeting are available to view on the public information meeting page. The meeting included information on the Applicant; the Project’s location, size, and the supporting rationale; the types of studies and due diligence that will be conducted by (Wild Grains) Energy; the Ohio Power Siting Board’s review and certification process; and the expected timeline of the Project and construction process. Comments about the proposed Project can be submitted on the Submit a comment page

Final designs will be completed and construction is anticipated to begin in 2022. Construction will be completed within approximately one year, at which point Wild Grains Solar will be placed in service. 

Go to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) page for more information about the permitting process.